
Bird Control in Sacramento: What You Need to Know

March 3, 2023

Bird control is an important issue for anyone living in Sacramento, California. The city is home to a wide variety of birds, including several species of pigeons and seagulls. These birds can cause considerable damage to property, and pose a potential health hazard to humans. Controlling and managing bird populations is essential to maintaining a safe and healthy environment. Noble Way Pest Control offers bird control services in Sacramento. Learn more below, and call us today!

Birds to Look Out For

The most common birds in the Sacramento area are grackles, doves, starlings, and sparrows. These birds are particularly fond of the area due to its plentiful food sources and nesting sites. In urban areas, birds can become a nuisance when they gather in large numbers. They can cause property damage by pecking at window frames, roofs, and siding. They can also spread diseases such as salmonella and avian flu through their droppings. Sometimes, birds such as pigeons and doves, make their nests in homes and commercial buildings, too, which leads to a nasty mess.

Bird Control Methods

Bird Control Methods

When it comes to bird control, there are several effective methods available. The most common approach is to use physical barriers such as netting or spikes. These methods can be used to keep birds away from buildings, rooftops, and other areas where they could cause damage. In addition, many types of bird repellents are available to discourage birds from nesting or roosting in certain areas.

Trapping & Relocating

Trapping & Relocating

Another bird control option is to use bird traps. These traps allow birds to enter, but prevent them from leaving. The birds can then be safely removed and relocated to a more suitable habitat. If birds are trapped and relocated, it is important to ensure that they are released far enough away that they will not return to the same area.

Encouraging Settlement Elsewhere

Encouraging Settlement Elsewhere

Another bird control method in Sacramento is encouraging birds to settle elsewhere. This can be done easily with items such as birdhouses, bird baths, and feeders. These methods can provide birds with a safe and comfortable place to live, while also encouraging them to stay away from buildings and other areas where they could cause harm.

Be Proactive

It’s important to be proactive with bird control in Sacramento. Taking steps to prevent birds from becoming a problem is always the best approach. This could include keeping bird feeders away from buildings, trimming trees and shrubs to reduce nesting sites, and using bird repellents when necessary.

How You Can Help

How You Can Help

It is important to keep your property clean and free of food sources to discourage birds from settling in the area. Keep your yard free of bird feeders, and keep garbage cans covered and out of reach. Additionally, keep your windows and doors closed as much as possible to deter birds from entering the area. Be sure you check for entryways into your roof, too.

Call for Help When Needed

Sometimes, these bird control methods don’t work, and you’ll need help from the professionals. Noble Way Pest Control has years of experience in humanely ridding your Sacramento property of nuisance birds. Call to get started today!

By taking the proper steps, you can help to ensure that birds remain a welcome part of the Sacramento landscape. However, if you are faced with too many birds that have become unsightly rather than cute, give our Sacramento pest control company a call. We’ll perform a thorough analysis of your space, help with bird removal, and then offer helpful advice on steps you can take to prevent a reinvasion. Call today!

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