4 Risks Posed By Fleas

Fleas are pesky parasites that feed on the blood of animals and humans alike. They can infest a home or pet, causing itchy bites and other health issues. In this blog, we’ll go over the four main risks posed by fleas and what you can do about them. If you’re dealing with an infestation, Noble…

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Natural Ways to Fight Unwanted Summertime Pests

Why Bugs Love Your Home As spring comes to an end and things start to heat up with the start of summer, there are many critters that begin making their way into your house. There are a couple of reasons why you might find an influx of bugs in and around your home as the…

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Pest Control Begins Now

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While we are in the throes of some miserable weather, the last thing that you really want to consider is what will happen in the glorious spring. The birds will be chirping, the squirrels will be bounding through impossibly green mountain meadows and the mice will finally move out of your house. If you don’t…

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Its Halloween! Celebrate the Creepy Crawlies!

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It is almost the most magical time of the year for the pest control technicians at Noble Way Pest Control. No other major holiday celebrates bugs, pests and rodents like Halloween. The ultimate in creepy crawly, scary things. As much as you would think the opposite, we really do like the bugs, pests and rodents…

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Rodent Remote Control

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Have you ever been sitting there watching T.V. and just as the moderately-famous people dancing show ends there is a moment of quiet. The noise of excruciatingly upbeat ballroom dancing is silenced for a few moments and then you hear it. The noise is hard to explain but it sounds a bit like scratching in…

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It’s The Crazy Cat Lady!

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I was once a cat person. I say that with the utmost seriousness, I was a cat person, but I am no longer. My home used to have seven of the little fuzzy creatures roaming the hallways. The unfortunate part is the fact that I actually love cats. They are like little serial killers, always…

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BBQ With Thy Neighbors

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Your patio is an oasis from the hectic world outside of the backyard. The grill flares with intensity and the burgers sizzle in the heat of the evening. The smell wafts off of the grill and makes you forget that a few hours ago there was a family of mice (mouses or meese, whichever you…

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Small Business Pest Control

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It’s finally spring! The weather is beautiful, and it is time to get outside. We all know what spring means for your home. Cleaning windows in the sunshine, sweeping out the garage, and what should be the most important spring ritual, pest control. The rain will soon subside and all of the creepy crawling things…

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Termites, Mud Tubes, and Wood

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Termites, they have the power to make a carpenter stream tears down his beard, leaving little trails of sawdust behind. Like a birthday party for third-grade boys, they can take over your home and leave it shaking on its foundation. The little beasts are difficult to find initially, and our pest control technicians are trained…

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